About us

Our Mission

The Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey Association is a family-oriented organization, which believes that all youth should have the opportunity to play non-contact hockey in a fun and supportive environment.

We are now proud to announce that we are part of Hockey Alberta Rec Hockey program. This offers us new advantages and increased insurance and support for our families.


The SLRHA will provide a positive experience for youth and their families.

SLRH Pic 3

Core Principles

1. The focus of all SLRHA events will be to ensure all involved will have a fun and safe experience.

2. This is a no-hit league, and therefore any body contact or rough play will not be tolerated.

3. Families will be encouraged to be involved throughout the hockey season.

4. This league is open to male and female athletes regardless of ability or previous hockey experience.

5. Games and practices will be held at reasonable hours of the day.

6. Hockey skills, team play and good sportsmanship are key to a safe and rewarding season, and continually developed by volunteer coaches and officials.

7. There will be generally one session per week; however other optional activities may be made available for those wish to participate.

8. All players, coaches and game officials will be treated with respect. We are a zero tolerance league. Violence, abuse or the use of drugs and alcohol will be dealt with appropriately.

Please complete the Respect In Sport Program at



SLRHA is for male and female athletes from 5 to 17 years of age.


Full equipment is required for all players. In addition to a hockey stick and good fitting skates, required equipment includes a helmet (CSA approved), shoulder pads, elbow pads, hockey pants, hockey gloves, athletic support, shin pads, hockey socks and a BNQ certified neck guard. Team jerseys will be loaned for the season and must be returned at the end of the season.

Officiating and Coaching:

Coaches and bench help will be volunteers and will be people who appreciate the recreational purpose of SLRHA, and agree with its Mission Statement, Vision and Core Principles. All coaches working with our youth will require Respect in Sport and RCMP criminal record checks. One bench staff per team will be required to complete an on ice safety course. Respect in Sport will be paid for by the SLRHA board for a maximum of 3 coaches/bench staff. One on ice safety course will be paid for by SLRHA board. Insurance will only cover the three listed coaches/bench staff. You can download a CRC form here.  http://mycrc.ca


Referee Policy

  1. Referees must be Hockey Canada certified. The Schedule and Referee Director will provide teams with a list of Hockey Canada certified referees.
  2. It is recommended that referees are at minimum older than the age group they are refereeing. Some exceptions may apply in the U15 and U18 age groups based on referee availability.
  3. All refs to sign off on SLRHA rules and to enforce them during a game.
  4. Refs have the right to remove any player or coach from the bench/ice due to verbalabuse.
  5. Requirements for the different age groups are listed below along with rates.
    • U8 – Hockey Alberta Refs are not required. Utilize coaches (no payment for 5-7 refs)
    • U11 – Minimum 1 Hockey Alberta Certified Ref (40$ total – 20$ each if 2 refs used)
    • U15 – Minimum 2 Hockey Alberta Certified Refs (40$ per ref: 80$ total)
    • U18 – minimum 2 Hockey Alberta Certified Refs (50$ per ref: 100$ total)
  6. Coaches or Managers are responsible to pay ref’s and utilize the SLRHA referee reimbursement form, which is submitted to the SLRHA treasurer.


Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey Association is always looking for volunteers. Parents are encouraged to help out whenever possible. Remember that this is your league.





  1. 1.1  This organization shall be known as the “Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey Association”and referred to herein as the “SLRHA”.
  2. 1.2  The Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey Association shall abide by the rules and guidelinesas set down by Hockey Alberta (HA) and the Canadian Hockey Association (CHA) and will remain a member in good standing (Bylaw 2.1(b)(ii) of the Hockey Alberta Bylaws and Regulations).
  3. 1.3  SLRHA will play under the rules and guidelines of the CHA and Hockey Alberta.
  4. 1.4  SLRHA will abide by the Hockey Alberta Recreation Hockey Model.


  1. 2.1  Membership:A Member shall be:
    1. a)  Any family registered with Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey Association.
    2. b)  Any coach, assistant coach or manager that has no child registered with theSylvan Lake Rec Hockey Association and in this capacity to a maximum of

      three (3) persons per team; or

    3. c)  Any volunteer who has previously been a Member of Sylvan Lake RecHockey Association under 2.1(a) or 2.1(b) and who is approved by the

      Board of Directors to be a Member; or

    4. d)  Members of the community that are 18 years or older and interested inparticipating in the work of Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey Association and the promotion and achievement of its objectives, that have submitted a membership application to the Association which includes their name, address and reason(s) for requesting membership. This application must be submitted to Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey Association Board of Directors for approval, together with the prescribed membership fee for members of the community at large as set out in 2.2(d).
  2. 2.2  Membership Fees:
    1. a)  The membership fees for Members under 2.1(a) and 2.1(d) shall be theregistration fee per hockey player, such fee being determined by the

      Board of Directors before each new hockey year;

    2. b)  There shall be no membership fee for a Member admitted under 2.1(b)above;
    3. c)  The membership fee for a volunteer admitted under 2.1(c) shall bedetermined annually by the Board of Directors before each new hockey year.
    4. d)  The membership fee for a member of the community at large admitted under2.1(d) above shall be determined annually by the Board of Directors before

      each new hockey year.

  3. 2.3  Voting privileges will be given to persons as registered with SLRHA per 2.1(a),2.1(b). 2.1(c), and 2.1(d), who have membership in good standing.

     3. 2.4 The payment of the registration fee for a player wishing to take part in the hockey program must be paid as per  the payment terms set out by SLRHA or arrangements made for payment before they are assigned to a team in SLRHA and before the person(s) described in 2.1 are considered to be member(s) in good standings.


  1. 3.1  Any member may resign from SLRHA at any time by notifying the Secretary inwriting; however, a pro-rated portion of the registration fee as approved from time

    to time by the Board of Directors, will not be refunded.

  2. 3.2  Any member who, by the decision of the Board of Directors, fails to maintain anacceptable standard of conduct and/or fails to comply with any of the Bylaws and Regulations of SLRHA may be asked to resign in written form after at least on previous written warning. That decision will result in the loss of voting privileges, unless the member wins a successful appeal. The registration fee will not be refunded.
  3. 3.3  Any member who has been requested to resign may exercise the right to appeal the decision provided the wish to appeal is made, in writing to the Board of Directors within seven (7) days of the request to resign. Any member that refuses to resign on written request will be considered expelled from SLRHA.
  4. 3.4  Any member who fails in a way as described in 3.2 may be suspended as outlined in 3.5 on a decision of the Board of Directors. No previous written warning will have been required.
  5. 3.5  The Board of Directors claim the right to bar any expelled, resigned or suspended member from any or all facilities where SLRHA functions including, meetings, games and practices are taking place for a specified period of time as defined by the Board of Directors.


  1. 4.1  The Board of Directors shall consist of:
    1. a)  President
    2. b)  Vice President and Director of Off Ice Operations
    3. c)  Secretary
    4. d)  Treasurer
    5. e)  Director of On Ice Operations
    6. f)  Director of Scheduling and Referees
    7. g)  Director of Player Advocacy
    8. h)  Director of Sponsorship and Merchandise
    9. i)  Director of Tournament and Events
  2. 4.2  All Board of Directors shall have voting rights while in attendance at any Association meeting.
  3. 4.3  Board of Directors not maintaining an acceptable level of attendance or conduct as outlined in 4.4 may be disciplined under Bylaw 4.4.
  4. 4.4  Removal:
    A Member of the Board of Directors shall be relieved of their duties and removed as a Member of the Board of Directors (as determined by a 75% vote of a quorum of no less then 2/3 of the Board of Directors in the following circumstances:
  1. a)  Upon failure to attend three (3) consecutive meetings without a reasonable excuse;
  2. b)  If a Member’s conduct is considered detrimental to the best interest of SLRHA;
  3. c)  On the basis that a Member is doing an unsatisfactory job;
  4. d)  Upon a Special Resolution of the general membership at a General Meeting;
  5. e)  There is no route of appeal available within SLRHA. This shall be done by amajority vote of those present.

4.5 All Board of Director member positions run June 1st to May 31st of the following

year in a two-year term.

DUTIES OF THE Board of Directors 5.1 General:

  1. a)  The Board of Directors shall be responsible to the General Membership and shall have full control and management of SLRHA, within the limits of the Bylaws, to serve the best interest of the majority of its members.
  2. b)  Shall ensure that the values, objectives, and desires of SLRHA are represented in a consistent and professional manner to all entities who interact with SLRHA.
  3. c)  The total welfare of the players shall be paramount in the governing of SLRHA. The player’s responsibilities to family and school shall be kept in mind at all times.
  4. d)  Should a vacancy occur during a term in office the Board of Directors shall be empowered to appoint a Member of SLRHA to fill the post until the next Annual General Meeting. With the exception of the President, where the Board of Directors as a whole shall select a replacement from within the Board of Directors.
  5. e)  The Board of Directors may appoint any member of SLRHA to serve on a Committee or assist the Board of Directors or one of it’s Members in the operation of SLRHA. Committees can be given an ongoing status where necessary and be made up of appointed members who are ratified by the Board of Directors for a specific term of service.

5.2 Conduct of the Board of Directors

  1. a)  Any person found guilty (as determined by majority vote of a quorum of noless than 2/3 of the Board of Directors) of having committed any improprieties listed in 10.2(b) within SLRHA may be permanently barred from holding an elected or appointed office in the Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey Association.
  2. b)  A member of the Board of Directors of SLRHA who misses three consecutive meetings of the Board without notice and/or just reason, may be suspended for the balance of their term through a majority vote of a quorum of the Board of Directors.
  3. c)  Board Members are expected to refrain from publicly criticizing game officials, coaches, or players before, during, or after games. Concerns must be addressed with the appropriate individual, at the appropriate time.
  4. d)  Members of the Board of Directors are expected to refrain from public criticism of Board policy and/or other Board Members.
  5. e)  Board Members are expected to carry out their duties in a manner consistent with the Bylaws of SLRHA, and within the directives of the Board.

     6. f) Members of the Board of Directors can be removed from their duties for non- performance of duties by a vote       of the Board of Directors, in which at least seven (7) members vote for removal.

  1. 5.3  President:
    Two-year term: to be replaced every 2 years on ODD numbered years. SLRHA President should be an existing Board of Director for this position.

    1. a)  Shall preside over General and Board of Director Meetings.
    2. b)  Shall be one of the three co-signers who have signing authority of chequesissued by SLRHA.
    3. c)  Shall be responsible for all requirements and communications relating to CHA and Hockey Alberta procedures, policies and Bylaws.
    4. d)  Shall be responsible for all requirements and communications relating to the Town of Sylvan Lake, it’s policies and Bylaws.
    5. e)  The President is to have the discretion to determine or to appoint other persons to deal with emergent or minor matters not specifically names as the responsibility of the Officers or Directors of the Association.
    6. f)  Shall attend, or designate someone to attend in their absence, all meetings of leagues participated in by SLRHA and ensure that all information learned and received is provided to the Secretary for distribution to the applicable parties.
    7. g)  Shall ensure that the values, objectives, and desires of SLRHA are represented in a consistent and professional manner to all entities who interact with SLRHA.
    8. h)  Shall act as the back up to the Registrar and maintain primary authority over SLRHA registration software.
  2. 5.4  Vice President and Director of Off Ice Operations:                                                                                                        To be elected for a two-year term on EVEN numbered years from the membership at large.
    1. a)  Shall perform duties of the President in their absence.
    2. b)  Shall perform disciplinary duties for SLRHA, including forming ad-hoc committees, when necessary, to resolve complaints and disputes.
    3. c)  Shall be responsible for player safety.
    4. d)  Shall be responsible for maintenance of and adherence to SLRHA Policies and will conduct an annual review of all Policies.
    5. e)  Shall be one of the three co-signers who have signing authority of cheques issued by SLRHA.
    6. f)  Shall be perform duties of the Director of On Ice Operations in their absence.
    7. g)  This position shall be filled by an individual not coaching/ managing a team within SLRHA.
  3. 5.5  Secretary:                                                                                                                                                                             To be elected for two-year term on ODD numbered years from the membership at large.
    1. a)  Have Bylaws and Minutes of Board of Director meetings available to the membership upon request.
    2. b)  Organize and distribute Board of Director Meeting agendas and written submissions to all Board of Directors three (3) days prior to regularly scheduled meetings.
    3. c)  Shall act as the SLRHA AGLC liaison
  1. d)  Shall personally seek out, apply for a complete reporting of grants that will enhance the operations of SLRHA.
  2. e)  Shall be responsible for the SLRHA website and manage SLRHA social media content.
  3. f)  Shall oversee the Administrator regarding registration & player movement.
  4. g)  Shall perform the duties of the Administrator in their absence.
  1. 5.6  Director of On Ice Operations                                                                                                                                          To be elected for a two-year term on EVEN numbered years from the membership at large.
    1. a)  Shall recommend courses of training and ensure a sufficient number of qualified persons are available to act as coaches.
    2. b)  Shall act as a Coach’s advocate and will act as a resource for any special coaching needs.
    3. c)  Shall sit in on the Coaches Selection Committee ensuring each team has anadequate number of coaches, as required.
    4. d)  Shall ensure that all coaches and managers are aware of all HCA, HA and SLRHA Bylaws and Policies and revisions to them
    5. e)  Shall assume responsibility, along with the Director of Sponsorship and Merchandise for the purchase, maintenance, and storage of all uniforms.
    6. f)  Shall assume responsibility for the maintenance and distribution of shared SLRHA equipment, including goaltending equipment, first aid kits and on ice resources. (pucks, practice resources)
    7. g)Shall be responsible for the distribution and recovery of uniforms and equipment to and from teams on a timely manner.                                                                                                                                                                  5.7  Treasurer:
      To be elected for a two-year term on ODD numbered years from the membership at large.
  2. a)  Shall coordinate the accounting of funds of the Association.
  3. b)  Shall maintain full online banking account access of SLRHA accounts.
  4. c)  Shall present a full accounting of receipts, receivables, payable and disbursements in the prescribed format to the Board of Director Committee on a quarterly basis.
  5. d)  Shall make available to the membership a financial statement of SLRHA upon request.
  6. e)  Shall have the records and books of account of SLRHA audited at least once each year by a qualified accountant who shall not be a Director of SLRHA.
  7. f)  All books and records maintained by the administrator may be examined by any member of the Board of Directors, at any time, upon giving reasonable notice to the Treasurer, who shall arrange with the administrator to make them available at a time satisfactory to all concerned.
  8. g)  The Treasurer is one of the three co-signors who have signing authority of cheques issued by SLRHA.
  9. 5.8 Director of Scheduling and Referees:
    To be elected for a two-year term on EVEN number years from the membership at large.
    1. a) Shall be responsible for the development of the SLRHA home ice team schedule.
  1. b)  Shall maintain full access to the SLRHA scheduling software and act as the liaison with the Town of Sylvan Lake for weekly ice time scheduling.
  2. c)  Shall work with the Director of Off Ice Operations for identifying ice time scheduling requirements with the Town of Sylvan Lake.
  3. d)  Shall outline referee requirements for each division of SLRHA and will maintain a list of qualified referees.

5.9 Director of Player Advocacy:
To be elected for a two-year term on ODD numbered years from the membership at large.

  1. a)  Shall recommend and assist in setting up courses of training, and/or conduct such training, for players in conjunction with SLRHA to mentor coaches.
  2. b)  Shall work with the Director of On Ice Operations to ensure that all coaches and managers are aware of HCA, HA and SLRHA Bylaws and Policies and revisions to them.
  3. c)  Shall act as a Player advocate.
  4. d)  Shall act as a resource for any special Player’s needs.
  5. e)  Shall act as a liaison between parents, players and SLRHA as required.
  6. f)  Shall sit in on the Coaches Selection Committee ensuring each team has an adequate number of coaches, as required.

5.10  Director of Sponsorship and Merchandise                                                                                                                              To be elected for a two-year term on EVEN numbered years from the membership at large.

    1. a)  Shall be responsible for the tendering of and coordination of team photos.
    2. b)  Shall be responsible for the tendering and coordination of SLRHA merchandise.
    3. c)  Shall identify and coordinate sponsorship opportunities that fit with the mission and values of SLRHA.

5.11  Director of Events and Home Tournament                                                                                                                               To be elected for a two-year term on ODD numbered years from the membership at large.

  1. a)  Shall coordinate and oversee the SLRHA Tournament committee.
  2. b)  Shall work with the Director of Sponsorship and Merchandise for sponsorship opportunities for the SLRHA tournament. This includes but not limited to raffle items, draw prizes, and tournament merchandise
  3. c)  Shall work with President to identify visiting teams for the SLRHA tournament
  4. d)  Shall work with the Director of Scheduling and Referees to develop a tournament schedule.

6.1 Annual General Meeting shall be held on in person on or before April 30th of the current season. Notice of at least 28 days shall be given.

  1. a)  In addition to the Annual General Meeting, a General Meeting may be held in November or December. A quorum at such meetings shall be twenty members who are eligible to vote by being members in good standing as per Bylaw 2.4.
  2. b)  The President must call a General Meeting upon receipt of a written request, signed by at least fifty (50) member family units of SLRHA. Such a meeting must be held within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of the request. A quorum at such meetings hall be fifty members who are eligible to vote by being members in good standing as per Bylaw 2.4.
  3. c) The President may call an emergency or Special Meeting at any time, provided notice of at least fourteen (14) days is given. A quorum at such meeting shall be twenty (20) members who are eligible to vote by being members in good standing as per Bylaw 2.4.
  4. d)  Notice of a meeting shall be given via the use of email, and social media.
  5. e)  The Board of Directors shall be elected by members of SLRHA at the Annual General Meeting. Only members in good standing are eligible to cast ballots to elect officers or to vote on any issues.
  6. f)  Nominations for positions on the Board of Directors shall be posted via SLRHA social media. Nominations will close ten (10) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Uncontested nominees are elected by acclamation.
  7. g)  Nominations from the floor of the Annual General Meeting will only be accepted where there are no previous nominations.
  8. h)  All attendees at the Annual General Meeting must sign in to have their membership verified and to receive their ballots.

6.2 Board of Director Meetings:

  1. a)  Board of Director Meetings shall be held bimonthly, with the exception of June, July and August, to ensure the efficient operations of the Association. The President can call a Board of Director meeting when the President deems it necessary.
  2. b)  A Special Meeting of the Board of Director shall be called when any seven (7) members of the Board of Directors make such a request in writing to the President.
  3. c)  A quorum for any Board of Director Meeting shall be six members drawn from the Board of Directors as a whole.


  1. 7.1  Amendments to the Bylaws can only be made by a special resolution for the members.
  2. 7.2  An amendment to the Bylaws must be approved by 75% of the votes cast at the Annual General Meeting.
  3. 7.3  Proposed Bylaw amendments must be submitted to the Board of Directors in writing thirty (30) days prior to the Annual General Meeting and must be posted at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
  4. 7.4  The Board of Directors shall fully review the Bylaws of SLRHA on EVEN numbered years. Submissions to change or alter any Bylaws may be made to the Board of Directors by any member of SLRHA and will only be presented at the Annual General Meeting if 75% of the Board of Directors in attendance at the yearly March Board of Director meeting vote to approve it.
  5. 7.5  Elected and/or appointed members of the Board of Directors shall not receive any remuneration for the discharge of their respective duties in relation to SLRHA or its various activities or projects with the exception of submitted and approved expenses
  6. 7.6  The seal of SLRHA shall be in such form as shall be prescribed by the Directors of SLRHA and shall have the words “Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey Association” endorsed thereon.
  7. 7.7  For the purpose of carrying out its objectives, SLRHA may borrow or secure the payment of money in such a manner as it sees fit, in particular by the use of debentures. This power shall be exercised only under the authority of SLRHA and in no case shall debentures be issued without the sanction of a Special Resolution of the Association.
  8. 7.8  Unless authorized at any meeting and after notice for same shall have been given, no board of director, or member of SLRHA shall receive any remuneration for his/her services.


  1. 9.1  Voting at General and Special Meetings:                                                                                                                       Each Family unit of registered members that are all in good standing, as defined by Bylaw 2.0, are entitled to one vote at any General meeting, provided a registered member of the family is present at the time the vote is taken. Voting at all meetings may be by show of hands or by standing vote, polling, or by secret ballot only.
  2. 9.2  Voting for contested Board of Director positions at the Annual General Meeting will be by secret ballot or polling. Secret ballots will be counted by one Board of Director and on non-Board of Director Member. Ballots will then be destroyed. Polling will be displayed.

All Discipline matters will follow the process under Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey Association’s Policies and Procedures.

All Appeal matters will follow the process under Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey Association’s Policy and Procedures.

12.1 May 31st of each year shall be the fiscal year end for the Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey

Association. 13. DISSOLUTION

13.1 In the event that the Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey Association ceases its activities and/or that it be dissolved for any reason, the gaming assets remaining shall be transferred in trust to the Town of Sylvan Lake until such time as the assets can be transferred from the Town of Sylvan Lake to not for profit group whose purpose is to support and or organize Rec Hockey of the Town of Sylvan Lake.

May 6, 2024



For any further information please email: secretary@slrha.net


SLRHA Policy and Procedures Guidelines (Updated May 2024)

Sylvan Lake Rec Hockey (SLRHA)functions under the Hockey Alberta Recreational Hockey Model, which includes code of conduct and insurance. SLRHA is the governing body of recreation hockey in the town of Sylvan Lake. SLRHA abides by the Hockey Canada and Hockey Alberta Rules and Regulations.

1. SLRHA Structure and Membership

  1. The SLRHA Board structure is laid out in the SLRHA bylaws. The SLRHA President is theHockey Canada/ Hockey Alberta liaison.
  2. SLRHA Membership is also outlined in the bylaws.
  3. To help recruit and retain board members, each SLRHA Board of Director is entitled toone free registration on their second year as a board of director, and each consecutive year thereafter.

2. Divisions

  1. SLRHA is divided up into the following divisions.
    1. U8 (ages 5, 6, 7)
      1. Recommend playing half ice games, as outlined by Hockey Canada
      2. No floods between periods
      3. Recommend games to be officiated by coaches.
    2. U11 (ages 8, 9 , 10)
      1. Full Ice games
      2. No floods between periods
      3. Games to be officiated by two Hockey Alberta certified referees.
    3. U15 (ages 11, 12, 13, 14)
      1. Full ice games
      2. Floods recommended every two periods.
      3. Games to be officiated by two Hockey Alberta certified referees.
    4. U18 (ages 15, 16, 17)
      1. Full ice games
      2. Floods recommended every two periods.
      3. Games to be officiated by two Hockey Alberta certified referees.
  2. Players registered in SLRHA, may not affiliate with registered minor hockey teams.Players registered with minor hockey, may not affiliate with rec hockey.
  3. When a team is short players, it may draw players from SLRHA teams from the same age group or from age groups below.

3. Disciplinary Matters
a. Disciplinary matters are to be managed by the Director of Off Ice Operations. As required, the Director of Off Ice Operations may form ad hoc committees consisting of at least three impartial members for resolution. Resolution could include:

• Decide that there was no issue requiring resolution. • Issue a warning.
• Issue Suspensions.
• Revoking SLRHA membership.

  1. Issues/ Complaints may be submitted to the Director of Player Advocacy. Complainants are required to wait 24-hours before submitting a written complaint. Complaints should be submitted within 7-days of an issue arising.
  2. For on-ice issues, coaches, parents, players or on-ice officials may fill out incident reports and submit to the Director of Off Ice Operations as necessary.
  3. Appeals – Any member wishing to appeal a decision made by SLRHA, must submit, in writing to the Board of Directors within 7-days of the decision. The Vice President and Director of Office Operations may form an ad-hoc committee consisting of three impartial members for resolution.
  1. Game
    1. Teams may not enter the ice surface until exact time of ice time with the presence of a coach/ team official.
    2. All games to consist of 5-minute warm-ups and straight time periods.
    3. When there is more than a 5-goal differential, additional goals will not be posted on the score board.
    4. 3 goals per game per player. Any goals over that are disallowed.
    5. 3 penalties max per game per player. Rest of game ejection for drawing a 4th penalty. Repeat game ejections on a single player should be escalated to the Director of Off Ice Operations.
    6. No slap shots. A shot taken by a player with his/her stick lifted above the knee, on the wind up.
    7. No fighting. Punches thrown/intent to injure will result in an immediate removal from the game. An incident report must follow from the coach and will be sent to the Director of Off Ice Operations for further review.• 1st offence, suggested game suspension.
      • 2nd offence, suggested 3 game suspension
      • 3rd offence, suggested removal from SLRHA for remainder of season.
    8. No swearing.
    9. No abuse towards officials tolerated.
    10. No intentional hits or body-checks.
    11. Any hit or body contact with intent to injure will require an incident report filed by the coach and submitted to the Director of Off Ice Operations. Suggested suspensions include:• 1st offence, suggested 1 game suspension.
      • 2nd offence, suggested 3 game suspension.
      • 3rd offence, suggested removal from SLRHA for remainder of season.
  2. Coach Policy:

a. Must have criminal record check and vulnerable sector check completed and handed in.                                                  b. Each coach and team officials must complete Hockey Canada ‘Respect in Sport’. At least one coach/ team official must complete online “Hockey Canada Safety Program Certification”. SLRHA will cover ‘Respect in Sport’ costs for maximum 3 officials per team.                                                                                                                                                           c. SLRHA will cover the Hockey Alberta/ Canada insurance costs for 3 team officials.                                                             d. Must follow Hockey Canada, Hockey Alberta and SLRHA bylaws and policies.                                                                      e. Must follow fair play code of equal ice time.                                                                                                                                  f. Must report all game ejections, fighting penalties or major penalties to the Director of Off Ice Operations                          g.Has authority to sit any player during the game.                                                                                                                          h. Has authority to stop a game if players are at risk for either team.

Player Policy

  1. Player must follow rules of Hockey Canada, Hockey Alberta and SLRHA.
  2. Player must abide by Hockey Alberta Recreational Hockey Code of Conduct.
  3. Player must wear required equipment. All required equipment must always be worn on the ice and/or bench by all players. This includes CSA approved helmet with face mask, shoulder pads, elbow pads, hockey pants, shin pads, gloves and approved neck guard.

Referee Policy

  1. Referees must be Hockey Canada certified. The Schedule and Referee Director will provide teams with a list of Hockey Canada certified referees.
  2. It is recommended that referees are at minimum older than the age group they are refereeing. Some exceptions may apply in the U15 and U18 age groups based on referee availability.
  3. All refs to sign off on SLRHA rules and to enforce them during a game.
  4. Refs have the right to remove any player or coach from the bench/ice due to verbalabuse.
  5. Requirements for the different age groups are listed below along with rates.
    • U8 – Hockey Alberta Refs are not required. Utilize coaches (no payment for 5-7 refs)
    • U11 – Minimum 1 Hockey Alberta Certified Ref (40$ total – 20$ each if 2 refs used)
    • U15 – Minimum 2 Hockey Alberta Certified Refs (40$ per ref: 80$ total)
    • U18 – minimum 2 Hockey Alberta Certified Refs (50$ per ref: 100$ total)
  6. Coaches or Managers are responsible to pay ref’s and utilize the SLRHA referee reimbursement form, which is submitted to the SLRHA treasurer.

Tournament/ Invitational Policy

  1. SLRHA Home tournaments are coordinated/ organized under the direction of the Director of Tournament and Events.
  2. The Director of Tournament and Events will develop a tournament planning committee to aid with tournament organization, including fundraising, volunteers, sponsorship, rules and all other aspects of the tournament.
  3. SLRHA home tournaments should strive to include all SLRHA division teams.
  4. SLRHA will not pay for SLRHA teams to attend away tournaments. Teams will need to fundraise/ pay for their own entry fees.
  5. SLRHA teams should aim to attend only 1 away tournament to ensure other SLRHA teams have tournament opportunities.

9. Year End Wrap-up Policy

  1. Teams may be entitled to $300 per year for team wrap up parties.
  2. SLRHA Board may revoke the year end party budget, based on SLRHA’s financial status.


2024-2025 Registration opens July 15th 2024

July 30, 2022

Please visit the registration page to sign up a skater or as a coach/volunteer. Thank you SLRH

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PO Box 12037
Sylvan Lake, Alberta
T4S 2K9